
Our Economic Woes...or, How I learned to stop buying new and love vintage.

Here at Street Walkin' Cheetahs, we don't want to be another faceless boutique, another random stop off in e-commerce or your online shopping excursions. We started this blog as a way to connect with our lovely customers, and to build relationships through our shared interests. We're musicians, writers, poets, designers, artists, and absolutely in love with vintage and fashion in general. We believe that understanding the foundations of where what's out there today (think Alexis LaMontagna, and for a great look into her collections check out our friends at beauty spot: http://beautysspot.blogspot.com/search?q=alexis for fantastic insight and a really good interview.).  SO, anyway, foundations. Why are these designers, again and again, drawn to the same silhouettes, grasping for the same soul that existed in the 19th century? We feel like there's simply no improving on what the inimitable CoCo Chanel did, along with earlier goddesses of silent film and fashion, Clara Bow, and other icons of the Roaring Twenties were and represented. (we're currently COMPLETELY obsessed with flapper era fashions, and looking into ways to bring you not only the originals, but new interpretations as well.) The real test of our patience and thoughts comes with the price tags. How discouraging is it for all of us to look and lust and daydream after some gossamer fantasy in tangerine chiffon only to learn that it costs more than our rent and our utility bills put together???? We're working on ways to allow all of us to share and benefit from the artistry of fashion and beauty, all while listening to vintage vinyl crackling on our turntables. Stay tuned for more fun this week!